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Automatic Formal Verification

Conference: Verification Futures 2018 (click here to see full programme)
Speaker: Nick Tudor, Director, D-RisQ Ltd
Presentation Title: Automatic Formal Verification
Abstract: Formal Methods have more often than not required specialist skills. This presentation shows how D-RisQ is making the power of Formal Methods more easily accessible. This talk will cover the following key topics:

  • Automation
  • Formal methods
  • Software certification
Speaker Bio: Nick has been involved in software certification for over 15 years and prior to that was involved with aircraft certification for the RAF throughout his career. His Masters in Software Engineering at York was followed up with an interest in Formal Methods. He was a member of WG71 – the committee that wrote ED-12C (aka DO-178C) with a focus on the Formal Methods Supplement as well as the model based design and tool qualification documents. He is now one of only 4 UK nationals on the invite only follow on panel. He is an owner/Director of D-RisQ based in Malvern which has 10 employees most of whom who are formal methods experts. The presentation will examine a use of the formal methods supplement to verify an autonomous decision making system, including the aspects relating object code.
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