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The Design and Verification Club (Europe and India)

The principal goal of each DVCLUB conference is the sharing of technical expertise amongst professionals while helping build the verification community through regular educational and networking events. DVClub membership is free and is open to all non-service provider semiconductor professionals.

DVClub currently has chapters in Austin, Bangalore, Boston, Bristol, Cambridge, Dallas, Delhi, Grenoble, RTP, Shanghai, Silicon Valley, Sophia Antipolis and Toronto. Tessolve organizes events in Europe and India

DVClub Europe

Forthcoming Events


DVClub Europe: Diary Dates

Performance Testing and Analysis
April 25, 2023
Cache Coherency Automated Verification
Sep 5, 2023
Auto-generation of Verification Infrastructure for IP to SoC level
Nov 28, 2023

Previous Events

Best Conference Papers from 2022
Feb 7, 2023
Make Verification Fun Again with Python and cocotb
Jan 31, 2023
RISC-V Verification Strategies
Nov 29, 2022
Analog Mixed Signal Verification
Oct 25, 2022
Automated Verification Checks
Oct 04, 2022
Jun 28, 2022
Alternative Test Bench Architectures
May 17, 2022
Overview of the Open Source VHDL Verification Methodology (OSVVM)
Apr 26, 2022
Selection of 2021 DVCon/DAC Verification Papers
Feb 08, 2022
Using ML and AI in EDA Tools
Nov 23, 2021
Formal Verification Adoption Made Easy
Sep 07, 2021
Using Python in Verification
Apr 20, 2021
Accelerating your SoC Verification
Feb 23, 2021
Signing Off: What are your Verification Tape-Out Criteria
Nov 24, 2020
IP Integration Into Complex SoCs 2020
Sep 8, 2020
Verification of AI Designs
April 21, 2020
Automotive Safety and ISO26262
Feb 4, 2020
Improving Verification: Designers and Verification
Nov 26, 2019
Improving Verification: Case Studies from the US
Sep 10, 2019
Artificial Intelligence in Verification
Apr 16, 2019
Universal Verification Methodology (UVM)
Feb 05, 2019
Automotive Safety and ISO26262
Nov 27, 2018
Portable Stimulus
Sep 11, 2018
Formal Verification
May 15, 2018
UVM War Stories
Feb 06, 2018
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