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Helping to drive our belief of
possibilities to product


Semiconductor runs in the DNA of Tessolve. Tessolve does a lot of work in the pre & post-silicon space which is very well extended into the Embedded domain as well.

Systems Engineering team at Tessolve works with Semiconductor companies to enable them to go to market and help position their silicon showcasing the intended application for the SoC/ MPU/MCU. 

At Tessolve as part of Semiconductor Engineering activities, we are involved in post-silicon validation including hardware and software development, test automation, developing reference designs for the newer SoCs, developing and port board support package (Linux/android/RTOS), device driver development & validation, develop demo applications using Qt, Flutter, Android, C#, LabView -all under one roof for our customers across the globe. 

Core Strength

Ingrained in semiconductor expertise

We uniquely offer Wireless testing services for silicon customers.

We also design, validate, manufacture, and supply evaluation boards in volume.

We, on one hand, offer engineering services to Semiconductor companies and on the other hand develop solutions and products using the SoC for OEMs. We act as market enablers for both Silicon & products’ go-to-market strategies.

Semiconductor Engineering

All the services at a quick glance

We have many success stories to share, connect with us for more details. if you are looking to build a success story of your own!

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