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Key insights from Intel, Renesas, and Rambus shed light about Ethical Issues In IoT

Commemorating its 15th year of semiconductor engineering journey, Tessolve hosted a lunch panel at the GSA Silicon Summit on 18th June at Santa Clara, California. Titled “Social and ethical reflections in the advent of IoT: From the chip to the ecosystem”, the panel highlighted and addressed emerging questions concerning the social and ethical impact of IoT’s proliferation.
Srinivas Chinamilli, Founder and President, represented Tessolve at the panel moderated by Mike Noonen of Mixcomm with the following industry leaders as the other panel members-
Ahmad Zaidi – VP Infrastructure and Platform Solutions Group – Intel
Steven Lee – Technical Director – IDT (Renesas)
Neeraj Paliwal – VP Cryptography Products – Rambus
The experts highlighted six categories in the IoT ecosystem concerning ethics – Protection of privacy, Data security, Data usability, Data user experience, Trust, and Safety, exploring each segment in detail. Subsequently, they also addressed pertaining questions directly/indirectly concerning these six areas, with few questions and their respective answer listed as follows –

Who owns the data collected by IoT devices?

There can easily be a shroud enveloping data ownership. This has to be clearly mentioned by the entity manipulating the data. – Srinivas Chinamilli, Tessolve.

Who is responsible in case of a car crash with an autonomous vehicle?

There are countless numbers of parameters that would prove liability in such cases. The car needs to be able to monitor all those parameters to be able to know who has to be held accountable. – Steven Lee, IDT.

Will IoT devices be ever unhackable?

There is currently not a single IoT technology that has been proven to be 100% hackproof. Those can only be safe enough. – Ahmad Zaidi, Intel.
With over 60 executive-level professionals attending the lunch, the panel was a great success featuring relevant topic and meaningful insights shared by experts. Kole Giles of GSA summed up the event success saying, “Silicon Summit 2019 would have turned out differently without Tessolve’s lunch panel.”

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