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Tessolve Contributes to PEnDAR Project

By July 17, 2020September 23rd, 2022No Comments

Tessolve Contributes to PEnDAR Project

A Feasibility Study Into the Cost-Effective Capture, Validation and Verification of the Performance (and Resource Cost) of Complex Systems During the Design Process

PEnDAR (Performance ENsurance by Design, Analysing Requirements) is an InnovateUK funded collaborative project between Test and Verification Systems (Tessolve), Predictable Network Solutions (Lead Participant), and Vodafone Group.

With society’s increasing dependence on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) the need for better means to predict and assure the performance of critical infrastructure grows. Today, the performance of large-scale Cyber Physical Systems and System of Systems is often an unplanned emergent property that can vary substantially during operational lifetime. Although this hazard is sometimes validated as part of system commissioning, it often finds its way into deployed systems, impinging on the systems usefulness as well as increasing the total lifetime cost.

The PEnDAR project is a study into the feasibility of systematically considering both performance and resource costs early in the system development lifecycle (SDLC). The goal is to consider how to enable the Validation & Verification of cost and performance in the field of distributed and hierarchical systems via sophisticated but easy-to-use tools.

It is thought likely that this approach will be applicable to both new and established systems and be able to support both initial and ongoing incremental development.

This feasibility study aims to investigate the technical issues involved in effectively incorporating the mature mathematical techniques already available to capture, validate and verify the performance (and resource cost) of such complex systems during the design process rather than as an emergent property from the design process.

As part of this collaborative project Tessolve investigated the following critical items and incorporated the results into the final project report.

  • The feasibility of integrating performance V&V into a safety standards-compliant process suitable for safety-critical applications such as automotive.
  • Extending existing standards-compliant requirement sign-off tools to manage the capture and decomposition of performance/resource V&V requirements into specifications, features and sign-off criteria.
  • How the performance V&V process can be incorporated into a standards-compliant workflow for safety-critical applications.
  • Assessed the potential savings of performance/resource V&V in automotive software development and the potential benefits of applying a similar methodology in the SoS integration market.

Deliverables – Slideshare & Recordings

  • Software V&V for Complex Systems
  • Webinar 1-3: Recordings
  • Webinar 3: Summarising the findings
  • Webinar 2: Validating quantified performance requirements
  • Webinar 1: Outlining the challenges

The findings from the study are planned to be presented as a paper in a special issue of IEEE Design & Test.

The findings from the study are planned to be presented as a paper in a special issue of IEEE Design & Test.

Find Out More

If you would be interested in applying the lessons from this project to your business please contact one of our V&V consultants today.

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