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Verification Futures 2018

Now in its 8th successful year, VF2018 Europe incorporated Formal Verification 2018 and provided a unique one day conference, exhibition and industry networking event. Organised by T&VS in partnership with the community the event attracted over 400 participants, either In-Person or Online, to discuss the challenges faced in hardware and software verification. For VF2018 the program included a focus on formal verification in addition to tracks covering safety, security and software testing.

The event gave the opportunity for end users to define their current and future verification challenges and collaborate with the vendors to create solutions. It’s also provided an excellent opportunity to network and catch up with other verification engineers across Europe.

Event at a Glance

Thursday 14th June, 2018

Full day conference, exhibition and networking event

Reading (UK) and online

FREE to attend In-Person or Online

Event at a Glance

08:30 Registration, Coffee and Networking     Slides  Videos
Single Track Plenary Session
09:25 Welcome: Mike Bartley, Test and Verification Solutions Ltd

Keynote Presentation:

Tolerating Individual Failure to Survive

Peter Davies, Director – Security Concepts, Thales

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User Verification Challenges – Three Challenges from Users
10:00 Challenge 1: Bit Exact Verification Using Matlab in UVM and more…

Norbert Fried, Satixfy

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10:10 Challenge 2: The Challenges of Autonomous Commercial Vehicles

Nicholas Clay, Head of Homologation and Quality, Arrival

10:20 Challenge 3: V&V Challenges for Urban Autonomous Vehicles

John Redford, Chief Architect & VP Perception, FiveAI

10:30 Moving the Needle – Faster and Smarter Verification

Mike Stellfox, Cadence

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11:00 Refreshments and Networking
Multiple Track Session | Morning tracks: Safety, Software Testing and Formal Verification
Track 1A: Safety
11:40 A Summary of Challenges Identified at the Workshop on ‘Dynamic Testing for the Verification of Autonomous Systems’

Anas Shrinah & Nyasha Masamba, University of Bristol

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12:00 Autonomous Systems: Accelerating Innovation Through Cooperation and Consensus in Standards

Alex Price, Lead Programme Manager, British Standards Institution

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12:20 Linux Safety Verification: A Process for Using Linux in Safety-Critical Environments

Dr. Lukas Bulwahn, BMW Car IT GmbH

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Track 2A: Software Testing
11:40 Metamorphic Testing for “Non-Testable” Systems

Alastair Donaldson, Reader and EPSRC Early Career Fellow, Imperial College London

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12:00 AI For Coding

Darren Royle, Development Team Lead, Diffblue

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12:20 Lockstep Debugging for Software Verification

Ed Jones, Compiler Engineer, Embecosm

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Track 3A: Formal Verification (Morning Sessions)
11:40 Formal 2025: My Vision

Dr Ashish Darbari, Founder & CEO, Axiomise

12:00 Efficient Formal Verification of Liveness and Freedom from Deadlock

Pradeep Kumar Nalla, Senior Test and Verification Engineer, Test and Verification Solutions

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12:20 Efficient Verification of Multi-Property Designs (The Benefit of Wrong Assumptions)

Matthias Güdemann, Senior Research Engineer, Diffblue

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12:40 Lunch and Networking
Single Track Plenary Session
13:40 Fault Injection & Formal – Made for Each Other

Iain Singleton, Applications Engineer, Synopsys

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Multi-Track Session | Security, Hardware Verification and Formal Verification
Track 1B: Security
14:15 Security Starts with Risk Assessment and Threat Modelling

Duncan Purves, 2 Insight Ltd

14:35 Processor Intrusion Detection

Mark Zwolinski, University of Southampton

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14:55 Cyber Security in the V2X Communications

Gunwant Dhadyalla, Principal Engineer, Cyber Security Centre – University of Warwick

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Track 2B: Hardware Verification
14:15 Merging, Ranking and Metrics Reporting – Unified Regression Reporting Flow Using Ranking

Mark Daniel, Infineon Technologies

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14:35 Applying the Theory of Marginal Gains to Boost Verification Effectiveness

Chris Brown, Arm

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14:55 Python for Verification!

Donald McCarthy, Infineon Technologies

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Track 3B: Software Formal Verification (Afternoon Sessions)
14:15 Development and Formal Verification of Secure Updates for Embedded Systems

Roderick Chapman, Protean Code Ltd

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14:35 High(er) Assurance Blockchains: Functional and Performance Verification in the Software Design Process

Neil Davies, Chief Scientist, Predictable Network Solutions Ltd

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14:55 Automatic Formal Verification

Nick Tudor, D-RisQ Ltd

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15:15 Refreshments, Networking & Meet the Sponsors
Single Track Plenary Sessions
15:45 Verification Productivity with Portable Stimulus

Nigel Elliot, Technical Director, Mentor Europe Digital Design & Verification

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16:00 Challenges Call for Innovation: A Recipe for Success and a Taste of Formal Solutions

Sergio Marchese, Technical Marketing Manager, OneSpin Solutions

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16:15 Practical Applications of Portable Stimulus

David Kelf, CMO, Breker Verification Systems

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16:30 Panel Discussion


16:45 Event Closes


VF2018 was made possible through the generosity of the following sponsors.

Call for Submissions – Now Closed

The Call for Submissions closed on: Friday 23rd February, 2018. Thanks to everyone who submitted a proposal. Please Contact Us if you would like to propose a talk for 2019.

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