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Verification Productivity with Portable Stimulus

Conference: Verification Futures 2018 (click here to see full programme)
Speaker: Nigel Elliot, Technical Director, Mentor Europe Digital Design & Verification.
Presentation Title: Verification Productivity with Portable Stimulus
Abstract: It’s time to take the next step in Verification Productivity with Portable Stimulus. Designs continue to grow in size and complexity and it is no longer feasible to create separate tests in UVM, C or any other environment at each stage of your verification as you go from block- to system-level. Today’s verification entails running on different platforms, from virtual prototyping to simulation, emulation, FPGA prototyping and even silicon, each of which requires its own environment. The key to productivity is to reuse test intent seamlessly throughout the process with portable stimulus.
Key topics covered include:

  • Learn how Portable Stimulus lets you declaratively specify your verification intent
  • How to create abstract models the can be used to generate multiple scenarios from a single partial specification
  • How Portable Stimulus generates different platform-specific implementations of the scenarios throughout the verification cycle
Speaker Bio: Nigel heads up Mentor’s European AE team, focused on deploying functional verification tools and methodologies. He has been with Mentor for 25 years in a number of technical roles, all relating to functional verification. Prior to joining Mentor, he worked as a digital design engineer at telecoms companies such as GPT and Motorola.
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